
The most recent release can be installed from PyPI with:

$ pip install pystow

The most recent code and data can be installed directly from GitHub with:

$ pip install git+

To install in development mode, use the following:

$ git clone git+
$ cd pystow
$ pip install -e .


By default, data is stored in the $HOME/.data directory. By default, the <app> app will create the $HOME/.data/<app> folder.

If you want to use an alternate folder name to .data inside the home directory, you can set the PYSTOW_NAME environment variable. For example, if you set PYSTOW_NAME=mydata, then the following code for the pykeen app will create the $HOME/mydata/pykeen/ directory:

import os
import pystow

# Only for demonstration purposes. You should set environment
# variables either with your .bashrc or in the command line REPL.
os.environ['PYSTOW_NAME'] = 'mydata'

# Get a directory (as a pathlib.Path) for ~/mydata/pykeen
pykeen_directory = pystow.join('pykeen')

If you want to specify a completely custom directory that isn’t relative to your home directory, you can set the PYSTOW_HOME environment variable. For example, if you set PYSTOW_HOME=/usr/local/, then the following code for the pykeen app will create the /usr/local/pykeen/ directory:

import os
import pystow

# Only for demonstration purposes. You should set environment
# variables either with your .bashrc or in the command line REPL.
os.environ['PYSTOW_HOME'] = '/usr/local/'

# Get a directory (as a pathlib.Path) for /usr/local/pykeen
pykeen_directory = pystow.join('pykeen')


If you set PYSTOW_HOME, then PYSTOW_NAME is disregarded.

X Desktop Group (XDG) Compatibility

While PyStow’s main goal is to make application data less opaque and less hidden, some users might want to use the XDG specifications for storing their app data.

If you set the environment variable PYSTOW_USE_APPDIRS to true or True, then the appdirs package will be used to choose the base directory based on the user data dir option.


If you use this setting, make sure you first do pip install appdirs


This can still be overridden by PYSTOW_HOME.